Hi @gonogo_dev. Why do you believe that this is a permission issue? Can you provide any error logs or code to show how you're launching the barcode reader? Please review our Asking and Answering Questions guide and provide additional detail.
private BarcodeScanner mBarcodeScanner; mBarcodeScanner = new BarcodeScanner(this); mBarcodeOnButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.barcode_button); mBarcodeOnButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Bundle extras = new Bundle(); extras.putBoolean(Intents.EXTRA_LED_ON, false); extras.putBoolean(Intents.EXTRA_SCAN_QR_CODE, true); extras.putBoolean(Intents.EXTRA_SCAN_1D_CODE, true); mBarcodeScanner.startScan(extras); } });
Thanks for your quick response. To answer your question, we already have Crashlytics installed and there are no errors because it's not crashing when it fails to launch the camera.
Are you able to test our latest APK that was submitted on a production device that's not a 2018 station?
Crashlytics has the ability to log additional errors if you set it up to do so. I suggest updating your code with strategic try/catch blocks, so that you're able to view any relevant logs on your end.
@chanel we have tried the above code on a production station and it still will not launch the camera at all. No logs are coming back either. Are you able to test our APK on a production clover station?
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