
mmurphy avatar image
mmurphy asked Jonathan Ryan Grice edited

We wish to establish a second sandbox account for testing purposes that has a different merchant ID. How can we do this?

In order to perform testing with two different groups of testers, each testing independently but using the same code and the same database, we need to have two different merchant IDs.
10 |2000

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1 Answer

Jonathan Ryan Grice avatar image
Jonathan Ryan Grice answered Jonathan Ryan Grice edited
The only way to have the same items in the database is to export inventory from your existing Sandbox merchant and import into the second Sandbox merchant along with duplicating the remaining setup information. Each merchant will have to have their own manually generated api token or CORS generated token.

To create another test Location
  1. Go to your Sandbox dashboard ( )
    1. If you are using the new Dashboard, click "Welcome (Your Merchant Name)" and select Create Test Location.
    2. If you are using the old Dashboard, click (Your Merchant Name) and select Create a new Merchant.
  2. When your finish setting up a second test location, select "Setup" on the dashboard.
  3. Then, at the top of the menu on the left, select "API Tokens". There you can name your new token and permission the token appropriately.
You will then have to generate the api token the same as you did with your existing test location, or have it generated by the api.
10 |2000

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