
sc-info avatar image
sc-info asked keithryanwong Deactivated commented

semi-integration with telecheck

I'm working with the Clover Mini using semi-integration. I also need to be able to accept telecheck. Is there a way to achieve this?
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Greg avatar image Greg commented ·
Hi @sc-info,

To provide more accurate and timely answers, we need more context about your semi-integration solution. Please fill out this information discovery form - Note that we will keep all your information private and will not disclose it to any other party.

I'll be happy to look into this in the meantime.

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1 Answer

Greg avatar image
Greg answered sc-info commented
Hi @sc-info

We do have a telecheck app in the Clover App Market, but there currently no way to integrate with it from a semi-integrated device. You would have to close out of the Pay Display, open up the telecheck app and accept the payment manually.

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sc-info avatar image sc-info commented ·
@Greg I'm based in Canada using a Clover Mini with a sandbox account. I'm unable to see the Telecheck App in the App Market. I would like to evaluate the Telecheck App.
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