
Will Macaluso avatar image
Will Macaluso asked jaredk answered

Compatible printers for dry cleaner garment tags?


I'm the developer behind a Clover app that helps dry-cleaners integrate their POS workflow with Clover Station, Mini, etc. A part of my app's functionality is to print tags for garments that customers bring in.

Several customers have reached out and asked if clover will integrate with several tag printers that can withstand the dry cleaner environment (Here are a few:

Do you know if Clover supports any of these models? Or is it only supported on the printers listed here:



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Will Macaluso avatar image Will Macaluso commented ·

Bump... :)

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sam avatar image
sam Deactivated answered

Hey Will,

You are correct, the listed peripherals are the only supported devices at the moment. You won't be able to use network connection for these printers but if you are building a specific app for these printers and they can connect through USB, you can request the devices to be whitelisted to work with your app, which I can assist you with.

Best, Sam

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jaredk avatar image
jaredk answered
@wmacaluso and @sam - was the ability to print indelible garment tags established? Desperately need this big win for my d/c biz.
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