
tabebee avatar image
tabebee asked domainesia answered

Hosted Checkout payload and receipts

Is there a way to implement sending a receipt to the merchant in Hosted Checkout after a payment has been made? I only see an option on the actual payment screen which is the field where our customer inputs their email address to send them their receipt.

Also, is there any example payload for the hosted checkout api webhook url available?

Is there also a way to enable credit card fees? I do not have the option to enable it via the Additional Fees --> Credit Surcharge. If not, is there a way to enable a percentage fee that is set by us?

e-commerce api
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hector-m avatar image
hector-m answered

If I'm understanding correctly you can use clovers print api endpoint to make the merchant device print a receipt for the order. You do need to retrieve the order id first using the payment id which you can receive from the hosted checkout webhook.

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domainesia avatar image
domainesia answered

For Hosted Checkout, sending a receipt to the merchant typically requires integrating a webhook that captures payment confirmation and then triggers an email to the merchant. You can use a service like Zapier or a custom API to automate this.

For the webhook payload, check the official API docs, but a typical payload includes transaction ID, amount, status, and customer details. If an official example isn’t available, try a test transaction to inspect the payload.

Regarding credit card fees, some platforms restrict surcharge settings due to regulations. If you can’t enable it via Additional Fees → Credit Surcharge, check with your payment provider if surcharges are allowed or if you need to manually adjust pricing by adding a processing fee to the total transaction amount.

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