
mybmr avatar image
mybmr asked adamjackir answered

How can we make our app compaitable for healthcare merchants?

Our app is live on clover app market. A few merchants are not able to download the app through clover app market. App market giving alert that "This app contains protected Health Information and is not available to merchants in healthcare." As displayed in below image.


Let me know what changes we need to do inside our app to make it compaitable for healthcare merchants.

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Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered

Any app that requires Customer or Inventory Read/Write is unavailable to merchants who fall into HIPAA scope.

Please refer to our documentation regarding setting app permissions for healthcare merchants:

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goyek99730 avatar image
goyek99730 answered

To make your app compatible for healthcare merchants, ensure it complies with healthcare regulations such as HIPAA, prioritizes data security, integrates with existing healthcare systems seamlessly, and offers features tailored to healthcare professionals' needs. " Find out how " by conducting thorough research on industry standards and consulting with healthcare experts to understand specific requirements and preferences.

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henryben avatar image
henryben answered

To make your app compatible for healthcare merchants, ensure it meets HIPAA compliance for data security, post surgery rehabilitation centers near me integrates with electronic health records (EHR) systems like Epic, and supports secure payment processing. Add features for appointment scheduling, inventory management, and customizable reports to cater to healthcare-specific operational needs.

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adamjackir avatar image
adamjackir answered

To make your app more compatible for healthcare merchants, consider enhancing its usability for inventory management, patient tracking, and compliance with industry standards. You could integrate features like secure payment processing, custom reporting, and easy access to medical products. For instance, including products like e Annatto Tocotrienols DeltaGold 125mg could give healthcare merchants a streamlined way to offer high-quality supplements. Focusing on user-friendly interfaces and secure transactions will go a long way in building trust with merchants and customers alike!

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