
dannyrg24 avatar image
dannyrg24 asked thepetslover answered

Is it possible to have separate inventory on the Flex device?

Hello All,

I am writing on here because I would like to know what is the best way to tackle what we are trying to accomplish.


We are a coffee shop that uses a clover POS system at our shop as well as a Clover Flex that we use on the go when we do our farmers market (we sell coffee bags).


Currently, when we perform transactions on the Clover Flex at the farmers market, it is taking inventory from our coffee shop/main location since the Flex is also linked to the same MID as the POS. This is causing for our coffee bags inventory at the coffee shop to not be accurate.

What we are trying to accomplish:

We want to know if is possible to create/ have a separate inventory for the Flex device/ farmers market? If is possible, how can we accomplish this?

I hope all of the information provided is clear. Please let me know if there is some confusion or questions.

Thank you all for your help in advance!

Clover FlexInventory
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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

Are you a Clover merchant? This forum is for developers that build apps on our platform to get development assistance. If you are a Clover merchant you should contact Clover support for assistance.

Since the device is on the same account, it will share the inventory. There is no way to have 2 separate menus at this time. I would suggest contacting Clover support to help out with categories and modifiers that could assist you.

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1 Answer

thepetslover avatar image
thepetslover answered

Yes, it is possible to have a separate inventory on the Flex device, but it may require custom configurations or third-party integrations depending on your system. Understanding how inventory syncs across devices is crucial for accuracy. Also, considering operational efficiency, it's worth exploring how inventory management impacts workflows just like how the process of decaf coffee production ensures consistency in quality.

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