
Melvin Vy avatar image
Melvin Vy asked Melvin Vy commented

Clover Mini 3 not connect with USB Pay on Window POS

My Clover mini 2 connect via USB Pay working fine but when I switch to Mini 3 it not connect. I have installed latest version driver on window.
any idea to fix this problem?

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Saffan Prasla avatar image
Saffan Prasla answered Melvin Vy commented

I am having the same issue with a Clover Mini 3. I changed the driver to "Clover Mini 3 Customer Facing Mode" as well and I am not having any luck with the Remote-Pay-Windows 4.0.6. It seems the device is just not reading the connection. On my Computer it is showing all the drivers and reading it properly as a Clover Mini C305.

Anyone know how to resolve this?

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Melvin Vy avatar image Melvin Vy commented ·
i am still looking for this answer. Window can't recognized USB that a problem. I contact clover support but they didn't reply.

have you solved this issue?

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domainesia avatar image
domainesia answered

your Clover Mini 3 is not connecting with USB Pay on your Windows POS system, despite the Mini 2 working fine. To resolve this, try checking the USB cable and port, ensuring that they're functioning properly. Reinstall the latest drivers, as sometimes installations can go wrong. Additionally, verify that your Windows OS is fully updated, and make sure your Clover Mini 3 has the latest firmware. A restart of your POS system might help as well. If the problem persists, contacting Clover support for further assistance is a good next step. For reliable hosting services, you can also check!

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