
ecomcorp avatar image
ecomcorp asked fleeactually answered

Clover Kiosk along with Online Payments

Hi there,
We are already integrated with Fiserv/First Data's Payeezy API. We process both ACH and CC's. We are an online only business operating as a third party payment facilitator. We bring in merchants, boarding is done by FD. Once boarding team is done, Payeezy provides us the Keys and we add them to our site, our clients (merchants) can now accepts payments from their customers.
Since Covid, lot of the business models have changed, Kiosk/Contact-less payment are now becoming more standard. Our clients could benefit from having a Kiosk at their locations so that their customers can have the options of paying via self-serving kiosk or online.

My question is can I implement a solution using out own hardware for Kiosk. We will be using two check out pages, one for the online users and the other url for the kiosk users. Both will use the same merchant account, we may use a separate api secret keys for the Kiosk.

Kiosk will be an Android device, locked using Kiosk locking software, we will create a web-url for the check out page. CC and ACH details will be entered manually or keyed in, just like going to a website, filing out a form. Once the payment is processed our site will give them a receipt from a printer.
I know this can be easily done technically, but what are the limits of clover SDK and specifically what is their PCI compliance policy.

This falls into bring your own device, no hardware needed category. The customer will be boarded and we simply use the same merchant account for all the transactions from Kiosk and Online.

Thanks for reading and please help me with my question.


Clover Android SDKClover Go
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Our EComm API is PCI compliant, I am not sure what your question is beyond that.

Kiosk will be an Android device, locked using Kiosk locking software, we will create a web-url for the check out page. CC and ACH details will be entered manually or keyed in, just like going to a website, filing out a form. 

Not only does this not sound like a good user experience, but it is also wouldn't be great for your merchants considering that card-not-present transactions are generally higher risk and therefore have higher associated fees.

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ecomcorp avatar image
ecomcorp answered ecomcorp commented

Thanks David. Our merchants pass on CC's fee to their customers, so the higher rates is not a problem. The reason not to use a credit card reader at each location is to keep the kiosk cost down. The android device is actually a 15.4 in touch display not a tablet. Typically each merchant will have at least 5 plus Kiosk.

I want to know feasibility of this project. Are we allowed to build an e-commerce application on clover with our own Kiosk Device as option for in-person payment? Also what rules are there for ACH payments on Kiosk, in my local town our utility company has a Kiosk at their payment center office where you can manually key in the ACH payment. Please let me know.



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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

If you were trying to do this on a Clover device it would not be allowed. Our EComm API can be used on a non-Clover tablet, but, I am not sure if something like this on a shared device is compliant/allowed. I can tell you I wouldn't be entering my credit card information on a shared kiosk/tablet. You need to contact developer relations to find out for sure -

As far as ACH, we don't process ACH payments, so this is not a question for us. Also, I think you need to do your due diligence on the compliance etc. regarding the rest of your plans.

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ecomcorp avatar image ecomcorp David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Ok Thanks David, we won't be using any clover hardware or build a clover marketplace app, It would be a standalone custom web app integration using the api keys to post/tokenize card for all types of transactions. I will email them directly. I appreciate your response, will update the thread because I know I am not the only one trying to do the same type of integration.
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ecomcorp avatar image ecomcorp David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Yea, that was going to be my next question about ACH payments because I didn't see any documentation. Unfortunately our merchants heavily rely on ach for almost all their payments, CC is only a small portion of the payment. Not sure why clover has an e-commerce solution but only credit cards as a payment option. Are they planning to add ACH in the future?
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dvhosting avatar image
dvhosting answered

Integrating Clover Kiosk with online payments sounds like a game-changer for businesses! It’s great how it streamlines transactions and offers a seamless experience for both customers and business owners. Has anyone here used it for their business? How’s the setup process and customer feedback been so far?

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fleeactually avatar image
fleeactually answered

Clover offers various payment gateway options to facilitate online payments. Integrating the kiosk with a payment gateway like Stripe, PayPal, or Authorize.Net could allow customers to make payments online via their credit or debit cards.

See also: chill guy clicker

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