
tismstudios avatar image
tismstudios asked margretkale answered

Payment issues with iframe web and mobile app

I setup a iframe web card payment system with my mobile app for ecomm. I can make payments but payments are always successful even if funds not there or debit card locked and nothing shows in my bank account of funds trying to come out. I get no error telling me that card has no funds after entering card info in iframe webview

Clover Android SDK
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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

what environment are you using? When you check the merchant dashboard are the payments showing as successful there?

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tismstudios avatar image
tismstudios answered

I'm using flutter dart and yes payments are showing on merchant dashboard in open batch

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badotec5 avatar image
badotec5 answered

When dealing with payment issues in an iframe on a web or mobile app, several potential factors could be at play, including connectivity issues, iframe integration errors, or incompatibilities between the payment gateway and mobile devices. Often, these issues stem from limitations within the iframe, which can impact secure data transmission or hinder the interface's ability to process payments smoothly. For a smoother process, consider using an alternative payment portal that could reduce such issues and align better with mobile functionality. Additionally, exploring options like the Globe SIM registration portal may provide an effective solution, as this portal could potentially offer smoother integration with various mobile platforms and reduce connectivity problems. Testing and optimizing across different devices can also help to catch and resolve these iframe payment issues early.

10 |2000

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margretkale avatar image
margretkale answered

When addressing payment challenges within an iframe on a web or mobile application, several potential factors may be involved, including connectivity problems, iframe integration mistakes, or incompatibilities between the payment gateway and mobile devices. Often, these issues arise from constraints within the iframe, which can affect secure data transmission or impede the payment processing interface's functionality. For a more seamless experience, consider utilizing an alternative payment portal that may mitigate such issues and better align with mobile capabilities. Additionally, investigating options like the Globe SIM registration portal could offer a more effective solution, as this portal might provide smoother integration with various mobile platforms and reduce connectivity complications. Testing and optimizing across different devices can also help identify and address these iframe payment challenges early on.

10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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