
Melvin Vy avatar image
Melvin Vy asked wheme1998 answered

Urgent- Why clover not declined transaction with Insufficient fund?


My POS winform send total due ($247.50 to clover mini). Clover mini charge $222.05 from the card. and send message that it collect $222.05 to my POS. because the card have only $222.05 available fund.
it not enough fund to cover the transaction why clover not declined transaction?

USB Pay Display
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

That wouldn't be desirable in all situations so we leave it up to the POS. Your POS must handle partial authorizations and that is a test flow that our developer relations team tests before approving your application in production.

You should be comparing the amount on the payment request to the amount on the payment response. If the requested amount is larger you should notify the merchant and then you have two options:

1) Initiate a void.

2) Initiate a new payment for the difference.

You can use the partial authorization card number via a manual transaction to test the flow on your POS -

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wheme1998 avatar image
wheme1998 answered

A fund is a pool of money that is set aside for a specific purpose, often managed by a financial institution or an investment manager. It can be used for various goals, such as investing in stocks, bonds, or real estate, or to provide financial support to a business or organization. Funds are typically managed with the aim of achieving growth or providing a return on investment over time. If you are considering investing in a fund, you may want to check STR to gain a better understanding of its potential risks and benefits. There could be opportunities for growth, but the outcome is not guaranteed. Depending on the type of fund and market conditions, returns might vary.

10 |2000

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