
clover-faq avatar image
clover-faq asked clover-faq answered

It’s been more than 24 hours and the merchant still hasn’t received funds from the previous day’s transactions.

It’s been more than 24 hours and the merchant still hasn’t received funds from the previous day’s transactions.
10 |2000

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1 Answer

clover-faq avatar image
clover-faq answered
If the merchant’s account is configured to batch process manually, then they most likely forgot to close out at the end of the day. To close out, the merchant should exit the Pay Display app on the Clover device (using the four-finger pinching gesture that’s displayed when the app launches), open the Closeout app, and follow the instructions (making sure they close out for the day in question). If they followed the steps above or they’re configured to batch automatically and still haven’t received funds, they should contact support.
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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