
nfoxy avatar image
nfoxy asked Mark Mullan Deactivated answered

No response from Tip Pooling App, needed for Cashier, Server Cashout

Multiple phone calls and emails and no voicemail to leave a message or response from Tip Pooling App... Cashier setup is needed for cashing out servers at end of the night.
Please respond if you are a user of Tip Pooling App or from the App Developer.
Need better direction and technical support
Developer Pay API
10 |2000

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1 Answer

nfoxy avatar image
nfoxy answered
So the number for customer service on the App Market has no Voicemail and no returned calls, the number on the Tip Pooling App website has no Voicemail and no returned calls, tracked down the developer at 210-949-0707 and Ignite Reseller of Clover POS, forwarded me to the tech support for Tip Pooling App at 210-544-8501 with still no response, no tech support...
10 |2000

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