I have been building a website for my sister's business which uses clover go. In the sandbox environment, I was able to create orders and process payments, but only some card numbers are approved (none of the MC's or the first Discover of these test cards
https://stripe.com/docs/testing gets approved, but others do). Now I am finally trying to go live and am able to add order to her account but not process payment. To use the developer pay API, should I be sending requests to '
https://sandbox.dev.clover.com/v2/merchant/'.$merchant_Id.'/pay/key' instead of '
https://clover.com/v2/merchant/'.$merchant_Id.'/pay/key'? Also, I am at the moment still using a merchant-generated token as I do not have an app. I plan to use Oauth, but I do not know if this is the problem. I am not getting card declined messages, rather I am not getting payment data at all. Please help (: