
johnharry2 avatar image
johnharry2 asked charles984 answered

Adding Discounts and Promotions on Clover Go

Hello! My clothing store runs regular promotions (e.g., buy one, get one 50% off). Can Clover Go handle complex discount structures?

  • How do I set up percentage discounts or special promotions?
  • Is there an easy way to apply these discounts at checkout?
    Thanks for the help!
Clover Go
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cherry avatar image cherry commented ·

Clover Go is definitely a solid option for managing store promotions! It’s great to hear you’re running creative discounts like BOGO deals—those are always a hit. Setting up and applying discounts at checkout should be pretty straightforward. Best of luck with your store’s sales!

Kodi Capri

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alaienda avatar image
alaienda answered

Jessica Kinley OnlyFansI appreciate how the details are laid out in a clear and engaging manner.

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alaienda avatar image
alaienda answered

The information is presented clearly and effectively

Kodi Capri

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charles984 avatar image
charles984 answered

Clover Go is capable of handling complex discount structures, making it easy to apply promotions like “buy one, get one 50% off” at checkout.

Chill Guy Clicker

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