
Rishabh Jain avatar image
Rishabh Jain asked paczog edited

Guys did anyone use AI Interview Prep Tools?

Interview Prep tools like Interview Sidekick, Pramp,

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1 Answer

paczog avatar image
paczog answered paczog edited

I use ChatGPT to help rewrite some of my STAR framework behavioral answers. I also experimented with it to find examples of how to respond to specific questions when I was struggling to come up with stories.

Ultimately, this question prompts educators, instructional designers, and students to discuss how thoughtful gamification can enhance engagement, effectiveness, and alignment with the needs of contemporary learners. It also initiates a broader conversation about how external academic support for homework help for students, such as essay and bibliography writing services, can complement technological advancements in education by aiding students in managing their workloads more efficiently.

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