
info-7 avatar image
info-7 asked georgelew edited

How do I add a customer to an order?

I am using the Station Duo system.

I am trying to add a customer to an ongoing order. Watching other videos you should press the three dots in the order, and an option to add customer should appear. In my system though it does not. How do a get the add customer option?

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1 Answer

georgelew avatar image
georgelew answered georgelew edited

Hello @ geometry dash lite, once you have added or found the customer, create an order right from that customer's profile as shown below using the New order button. Alternately, you can also associate a customer with the order by using Add Customer from the More (or 3 dots) menu of the order. See Associate a customer with an order for more details. When the order is ready, open the order and add a Note by entering keyword go and save.

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