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hayley-20 asked

Air Canada |1-866-738-0738|What is the cheapest day of the week to fly Air Canada?

What is the cheapest day to book an Air Canada flight?

Here’s a tip: call +1-866-738-0738. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays are usually your go-to days for the lowest fares. However, keep in mind that Air Canada’s special sales often come with restrictions on these days.

Fares are typically lower on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, while Fridays and Sundays tend to have the highest prices. For more information, reach out to +1-866-738-0738.

Flights later in the evening also generally have lower demand. Consider searching nearby airports as well. If low fares are sold out at one airport, they might still be available at another nearby location. For assistance, call +1-866-738-0738.

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