
celiahusmann avatar image
celiahusmann asked tina commented

Exchange Without a Receipt

If someone would like to exchange a large shirt for a medium shirt, is there a way to process the exchange without a receipt? We have hundreds of orders per day, searching through our paid orders is near impossible. Clover Support was not helpful. We could use a manual transaction, however that would mess up our inventory.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered celiahusmann commented

If the goal is to update the previous order, you'll need to be able to locate that order somehow. Otherwise, like you say, your inventory will be off. If you don't have a receipt, the only way would be via an order note or customer name.

You can add a note to any order in the register app. Obviously that's painful to do for each order. If you start the order via the Customers app (customer --> Start New Order), you can associate a customer with the order and then use that to lookup the order from the orders app.

Note that this site is designed for Clover developers. Customer Support is generally the right avenue for questions on how to best use Clover.

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celiahusmann avatar image celiahusmann commented ·

Thank you. Unfortunately, Customer Service was not helpful, at all. It was almost a joke. :/

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tina avatar image
tina answered tina commented

The fastest way to pull up a previous order is by scanning the order receipt in Orders app. However, besides searching for Orders ID or order number in Orders app, you could also search by customer name (which may have been saved to the order if they paid with a credit card) or a note.

Otherwise, if you have a computer nearby you could filter the orders by date/time, price, employee, transactions type, device, etc. from Orders web app: From there, you could also search the web page (using CTRL-F) to search for the item and find an Order ID that you could use for the exchange.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

They do not have a receipt, and I assume therefore do not have an order ID or number.

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tina avatar image tina commented ·

Right - I'm verifying that a receipt with a scannable barcode is the fastest way to find an order before looking into other options. By searching via Orders web app, there is potential to find an Order ID to search by (even if the physical receipt is not available).

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farmfreshmarket avatar image
farmfreshmarket answered

Thank you for your replies. We will most likely do a manual transaction and physically update inventory in these situations. Tina, I am unable to search transaction by date, customer service said this was not possible... ?!

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