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andover asked matt-beach commented

Bug with Two-Factor Authenticator Set-Up? Can't generate Ecommerce API Tokens in sandbox

I am using the account and trying to create Ecommerce API tokens for our website. When I click on the ECommerce API Tokens link, I am asked to turn on Two-Factor Authentication. I am then directed to my Profile Page to turn on two factor authentication.

When I click through to turn it on, the "Next" button that should confirm my choice of "SMS" or "Authenticator App" is broken--nothing happens.

Help! There is most likely a bug here,

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matt-beach avatar image matt-beach commented ·

Same thing happening here. The Next button is not grayed out or anything. Acts just like the "Turn on Two-Factor Authentication" button, except it doesn't work. Nothing useful in console. Just a handful of walkme lib requests to to getting 404

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