
holodyn avatar image
holodyn asked joe-pop commented

Implementing 3D Secure / 3DS / Threeds with E-Commerce API / Tokens

I am surely missing something obvious, but can someone share how the 3DS is implemented?

I've read the docs for this, which explain adding new data to the charge payload, but where do you get these values? Do you need a 3rd party service to perform the callout for 3DS verification?

There seems to be a gap in the document that assumes we've already done / implemented the 3DS service and are now sharing the successful validation keys for the transaction.

I've tried passing over blank values for threeds > authentication_result but that throws a generic JSON invalid error, so clearly there's some way to acquire these values before making the charge request.

The documentation alludes to each card provider using a different 3DS middleware but doesn't talk about how those are engaged.

Use 3-D Secure for e-commerce transactions (

I'm using iframe fields to get a token and passing that over with the charge request. The basic charge is working fine, but looking to resolve some chargeback issues we've been having.

Anyone done this successfully?

Thanks in advance!

e-commerce api
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joe-pop avatar image joe-pop commented ·

Did you ever get an answer on this? I suspect we need to use a third party to handle 3DS verification but it's not clear.

Square and Stripe both offer 3DS as part of their iframes. Would be great if Clover also had this offering.

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lilluunk avatar image
lilluunk answered

Implementing 3D Secure in e-commerce can significantly enhance security, but it's also important to choose the right business model. Whether you're leaning towards print on demand or dropshipping, understanding their differences is key. There's a comprehensive article I found that compares dropshipping vs print on demand. It covers all the essential aspects and can help you decide which model aligns best with your business needs.

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