
bloyal avatar image
bloyal asked rhj09 answered

Delayed Release Approval

We recently submitted two new versions of our app for approval, one being our newest version and the other being a rollback version in case of any issues. The rollback version was approved in less than a day, as have most of the submissions we've made over the last year or so, but the new version is still yet to be approved after few weeks. Is there some way I can see the status of my approval or have someone check on it? I'm mostly just concerned that because my other one got approved so quickly and they usually are approved at or around the same time that this one may have gotten lost.

app approvals
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1 Answer

rhj09 avatar image
rhj09 answered

Hey there!

I totally understand your concern about the delay with your app approval. Here’s what you can do to check on the status:

  1. Check the Developer Dashboard: Log in to your developer account on the Clover Developer Dashboard. There should be a section where you can see the status of your app submissions. Look for any messages or status updates regarding your new version.

  2. Contact Support: If you don’t see any useful information on the dashboard, reach out to Clover’s support team. They can provide you with detailed information about the status of your app. Be sure to mention that the rollback version was approved quickly, but the new version is still pending.

  3. Review Submission Guidelines: Double-check that your new version adheres to all of Clover’s submission guidelines. Sometimes, approvals get delayed due to minor issues that need fixing.

  4. Stay Updated: Keep an eye on your email and the dashboard for any updates from the approval team. They might contact you if they need additional information or changes.

I hope this helps!

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