
thedangler avatar image
thedangler asked bryanvargas commented

Example OAuth Request not working

I'm trying to get a test token. Typically when I clicked on the "Example OAuth Request" it would take me to a list of merchants. Now it just kicks me out out to clover login screen.
There is no way to log in as a test merchant as I do not have a password for my two test accounts.

Also, when I look at installs it shows 2 merchants have installed the app. But it only lists 1.

How am I supposed to get a test token?
How can I reset my 2 test merchant I'ds so I can "log in" with a email and password? and no my developer username and password do not work. (I know I cans witch once logged into the global dev account) I was hoping to try and log in as one of the test merchant accounts when it kicks me out.

Everytime I try to do something with Clover integration, something always breaks.

PS change it so sandbox merchant accounts do not need 2FA for me to grab a token from there. It's crazy annoying.

Please tell me how to fix the Example OAuth Request link issue kicking me out?

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

Can you go through OAuth process to get a valid token instead of the example one?

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