
chrispaul avatar image
chrispaul asked jasenberry sent

Can we use clover payment gateway with apparel site?

Hi, I would like to know if we can use clover payment gateway with apparel sites? we have customer who like to shop for embroidery patches and embroidery digitizing services on our website to buy and we would like to integrate clover payment gateway system

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patrick521f avatar image
patrick521f answered patrick521f edited

Hello, @Chrispaul Official Website

Yes, you can use Clover as a payment gateway for your apparel site. Clover provides a secure online payment gateway that can be integrated with various eCommerce platforms, making it suitable for businesses that want to accept payments through their website. They offer tools and guidelines for integration, so you can start selling online quickly2. Additionally, Clover’s eCommerce Integration solution supports webstores created through platforms like Shopify, Wix, or WooCommerce, which are commonly used for apparel websites.

To integrate Clover with your site, you’ll need to follow their API integrations and user guides. If you’re using WooCommerce, for example, there’s a specific plugin available that facilitates the integration with Clover.

I hope this information is helpful for you.

Best Regard,

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yazib avatar image
yazib answered

Yes, you can use the Clover payment gateway with an apparel site. Clover offers a flexible and secure payment processing solution that can be integrated with various types of e-commerce platforms, including apparel websites. By integrating Clover, you can accept payments online from your customers using NP Modz credit cards, debit cards, and other payment methods, providing them with a seamless and convenient checkout experience. Additionally, Clover offers features such as inventory management and reporting tools that can help streamline your apparel business operations.

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ehabmohsen66 avatar image
ehabmohsen66 answered

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