
demskigroup avatar image
demskigroup asked bryanvargas commented

Authentication successful, but no Remote Application ID has been configured for Application

I am trying to use rest pay display but in postman I keep getting this, I am using an ecom api token on sandbox with a sandbox device. I setup the RAID but this still comes back, what am I missing?

REST APIPayments
10 |2000

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1 Answer

bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered bryanvargas commented

Make your you have a pay display app installed on the device.

10 |2000

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demskigroup avatar image demskigroup commented ·
Yes I do, I have rest pay display installed and am trying to use that app.
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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ demskigroup commented ·

can you email in with your RAID, sandbox device and developer account for them to further debug the issue.

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