
codeleter avatar image
codeleter asked andybolton sent

Semi-integration options for Custom Android Device

I have an question want some clarification.

We have a custom Android device with ability to display menu and create order, there is a touch screen, wifi and bluethooth on my device. We want to use clover to accept payment so user can finish full order. From the documentation seems I should use semi-integration?

My question is I like the Go device better, is possible to use Clover Go as semi-integration? From the documentation Clover Go is intented for mobile phones.

And in the sandbox's console, I can't select Clover Go as target, should I use mobile type?



semi-integrationsClover Go
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1 Answer

brandyn11 avatar image
brandyn11 answered brandyn11 edited

For your custom Android device, Clover Go is primarily designed for mobile phones and may not support semi-integration directly. In the sandbox, you should select ‘Mobile devices’ as your target for testing mobile solutions. For a custom setup, consider reaching out to Clover’s developer support for tailored guidance on integrating Clover Go with your device. destiny card balance

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