
kevinpatel avatar image
kevinpatel asked wixpaypro answered

How to Use Clove Payment method iframe in Wix website

I have create one html file where i use code as given in URL but after successfully generateing Card token how to create charge api and call using only html css and javascript so it supoport in wix website. Can some help me on this.

But after Form submite i need to create php file and it is not supported in wix website.


semi-integrationsAPI Token
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yohannathomas avatar image
yohannathomas answered

I just read article on the best case study services, and it was incredibly enlightening. As a business student frequently tasked with complex case studies, finding reliable writing help is essential. The article's thorough comparison of services based on prices, quality, and communication made my decision easier. I decided to try one of the recommended services, and the experience was fantastic. The writers provided a well-researched, articulate case study that met all my requirements and deadlines.

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wixpaypro avatar image
wixpaypro answered wixpaypro edited


Check it out! We have a working solution for you to accept payments on your Wix website using Clover's payment gateway. Orders from Wix website will show in Clover's merchant dashboard as well. Demo video link >

Interested in this solution? Message us at or visit to find out more :)

wixpaypro-clover-payments.pngUse Clover To Accept Payments on Wix Websites

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