
123om avatar image
123om asked finacussolutions answered

Tracking the machine from which the order was made

Hi I need to know if there a possibility to know from which machine the order was made. At the place that I work people has their own passwrod to access their tables, but we all know everybodys passwprd, therefore anyone can send orders on your password without your consent. I wanted to know if there is a number that we can track to see from which machine this order was sent on my behalf! This is pissing me off so much....

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

Are you a Clover merchant? This forum is for developers that build apps on our platform to get development assistance. If you are a Clover merchant you should contact Clover support for assistance.

I would also look into order prefix setup>devices>Order title prefix

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maruusa avatar image
maruusa answered

If you have access to the system settings, you can log the IP addresses of requests from different computers. This can help determine the origin of submitted orders. Connections NYT

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finacussolutions avatar image
finacussolutions answered

You can track the machine using the IP address, device fingerprinting, and browser metadata. Check server logs, MAC addresses (if accessible), and user agent details. For deeper tracking, use cookies, session IDs, and analytics tools to trace the source.

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