
ajaypatel avatar image
ajaypatel asked kissyda answered

I am trying to working with using ngrok public URL Webhooks subscription but it not provide log data.

I tried to use the public URL from ngrok of my local .Net Core API app but I am only receiving the verification code and no other data.

This is the Merchant Id :

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered ajaypatel commented

Does your app have the correct permissions for the webhooks you have registered for?

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ajaypatel avatar image ajaypatel commented ·
You are asking about Net app or Clover sandbox ?
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ajaypatel avatar image ajaypatel commented ·

Thanks for replying!

Also I have tested it with the post man tutorial given in Clover webhook section but same result.

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 commented

Your clover app probably doesn't have the correct permissions. You can't get a web hook for something you don't have access to.

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ajaypatel avatar image ajaypatel commented ·



I have provided all permission but still facing same issue .

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1705667213775.png (36.5 KiB)
1705667308040.png (38.4 KiB)
parquet76 avatar image parquet76 ajaypatel commented ·

You probably need to uninstall and reinstall your app from the clover dashboard, permission changes made after the app was originally installed will not take affect until the app is installed again. Search for Clover unauthorized in Google to see a doc page on how to do this.

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thedangler avatar image
thedangler answered

Did you get yours working?
My webhooks haven't worked since day one.
I have all the correct permissions, uninstalled and reinstalled the app.
I have a webhook monitor to see requests coming into my site and Nothing comes from Clover unless its the verification webhook to initially setup the webhooks.

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schrottpreise avatar image
schrottpreise answered thedangler commented

It sounds like you're encountering some issues with ngrok's public URL for Webhooks subscription. It's frustrating when you're not receiving the expected log data. Have you checked your ngrok configuration settings to ensure everything is set up correctly? It might also be worth reviewing the documentation or seeking assistance from ngrok's support team for further troubleshooting. Good luck!


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thedangler avatar image thedangler commented ·
I'm using same issue. No webhooks sent.
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kissyda avatar image
kissyda answered

I am attempting to work with a subscription to the ngrok public URL Webhooks, but it is not providing log data.


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