
thedangler avatar image
thedangler asked bryanvargas commented

Cash drawer with Station SOLO and TSR

A client will be using clover station solo but doesn't need a duo for each cash drawer. Is there a way to have the SOLO open the cash drawer?

Most restaurants and bars here do not need an attached payment terminal to the screen like the Clover Duo provides. They only need the Solo to enter orders and will cash out with the flex or cash from the cash drawer below the SOLO.

Please Advise

clover developer communityClover FlexClover Station
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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
Station Solo does have the ability to open a cash drawer. The cash drawer will have to be connected to the hub. If the merchant is having trouble, they will need to call support to help them through the process to open a cash drawer.
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