
slicedev avatar image
slicedev asked abhiroop commented

Preview in App Market is disabled

I tried to install my app (E12PW3ZRZTB9P) on a test merchant (2YTZ4CM9CG331) as described in doc but I can't as the Preview in App Market button is disabled for me saying "You'll be able to preview this app once the owner adds you as an employee". Can you help me with the issue?

App MarketSandbox
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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

You will have to be added as an employee under that Test Merchant to be able to download the app to that merchant.

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slicedev avatar image
slicedev answered bryanvargas commented

Thank you for the answer but I'm already an Employee of the test merchant 2YTZ4CM9CG331.

Maybe there is a kind of inconsistency, I have access to 2 developer accounts on the Clover Sandbox: 9CQDFBN48CG2Y - which I was invited to, and D6TG5K6F8X3B4 - which I created before. The 2YTZ4CM9CG331 is a test merchant created by me, I'm not sure but probably it is linked to the D6TG5K6F8X3B4 dev account but not to 9CQDFBN48CG2Y?

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
What is the email you are using
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slicedev avatar image slicedev bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
I shared an email with you privately, pls let me know if you received it. Thanks.
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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ slicedev commented ·
Ok so the Slice Test Merchant is not linked to the Merchant Services Dashboard dev account. The Merchant Services Dashboard dev account is manager by someone else and they already have test merchants configured. You will have to link with them to get access to one of those test merchants that are linked to that dev account.
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slicedev avatar image
slicedev answered abhiroop commented

This issue was resolved after the owner of the developer account 9CQDFBN48CG2Y added my email as an employee on another test merchant I previously didn't have access to.

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abhiroop avatar image abhiroop commented ·

This issue was resolved after the owner of the developer account 9CQDFBN48CG2Y added my email as an employee on another test merchant I previously didn't have access to.

can you explain this to me . Actually i have the similar problem .

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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ abhiroop commented ·
The developer owner will have to add your email as an employee for the test merchant accounts.
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abhiroop avatar image abhiroop bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

sir , can you list me the steps for this. i think i am doing something wrong and Does there is any dependency or affect if the account is created in USA and used in india

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