
mlyon avatar image
mlyon asked tommybahamax sent

"DECLINED-XXX" error message on /v1/charges endpoint

In the past few days we've been seeing cards get declined with this rather cryptic error message when attempting to charge a card on file. The error message is literally "DECLINED-XXX", that's not a placeholder. For example, The response from POSTing to the /v1/charges API would be:

{"message":"402 Payment Required","error":{"code":"card_declined","message":"DECLINED-XXX","charge":"YSYB6Y7SDMVFX","declineCode":"issuer_declined"}}

We've seen this on different customer's cards. Can anyone shed some light on what that message means? Usually the message has a more useful description of what the problem is.

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joshelynne34 avatar image
joshelynne34 answered bryanvargas edited

The "DECLINED-XXX" error message indicates that the credit card transaction has been declined. The "XXX" likely represents a specific reason or code for the decline.It's important to investigate the cause, such as insufficient funds, expired card, fraud protection, or technical issues. Contact the cardholder, retry later, or seek support from your payment processor for resolution.

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dankinchen avatar image
dankinchen answered

@joshelynne34 that is not an answer. Obvious that the card is declined. As a developer I have to return this message to the user. So the user is going to get "DECLINED-XXX", that is not very helpful, is it?

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