
bobbygill avatar image
bobbygill asked chrispetchey answered

Error when customer try to add same card again after existing card is expired

When customers try to add card details again once their card is expired, we get below error from Clover API when we try to add that card to existing customers.

    "message": "409 Conflict",
    "error": {
        "type": "validation_error",
        "code": "processing_error",
        "message": "Customer already has Card on File or ACH on File"

We are using the "/customers/<CustomerID>" API endpoint to add a payment method to the customer object. Previously, we were able to add multiple cards, but seems that allows only a single card now.

How do we handle this scenario?

@Dan @Richelle Herrli @Bryanne Vega

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered parquet76 commented

I am not saying this is the best thing to do, but did you try revoking the old card first?

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bobbygill avatar image bobbygill commented ·
@parquet76, No, I haven't tried that. But Is it not possible to add multiple cards?
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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 bobbygill commented ·
I don't know, I haven't tried it recently. I think it can be done, but not from the API you are using. We will have to wait for a response from Clover.
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vladavip88 avatar image
vladavip88 answered

We have the same problem, any updates on this?

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jaske09 avatar image
jaske09 answered

Clover to integrate our web and mobile systems, with Clover, for the purpose of enabling our merchants to accept payments with Apple Pay as well as Tap to Pay on the iPhone vidmate.

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chrispetchey avatar image
chrispetchey answered

Certainly this document states that the existing card must be revoked.

The bit I can't work out is where to get the cardid from and I've raised a new question to that effect

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