
manu avatar image
manu asked dtg answered

Multipay Token - Create Charge Failed - CVV is not provided


What is the validity period of the multipay token? I experienced an issue while testing in sandbox where the multipay token failed to create a charge after being used successfully a few times. Here is the error message I received:

    "message": "402 Payment Required",
    "error": {
        "code": "card_declined",
        "message": "CVV is not provided",
        "charge": "KWY1F34VC0FZT",
        "declineCode": "issuer_declined"

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dtg avatar image dtg commented ·

I have this same issue. What is the answer to this question? I am having the same issue and the documentation about this is pretty terrible about Multipay cards.

The card works for the first 10 minutes with a warning (No stored credentials supplied on multipay token)

Then after that point it is declined.

The card itself is attached to a customer, and within the community responses from Clover that was the only requirement for the card to be "Multipay". But that is simply not true.

There was some reference in another post about so TransArmor token, but Clover Support never followed that up with an explanation.

Clover, please explain in detail how these multipay cards need to be setup and how we can test this within the Sandbox environments.

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered manu commented
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manu avatar image manu commented ·

That link does not give any solution to the problem.

Problem is that when get a SINGLE use token using iFrame, we use that token to "Save a Card" for a customer account. We then use the customer ID as a source to "Create a Charge" and gets successful transaction response back.

Now for future transactions, we again use the saved Customer ID for creating subsequent charges and gets successful response back but after few successful charges we start getting "message": "CVV is not provided" error message and "Create a Charge" getting failed.

Why is that "Create a Charge" is failing after being successful in first few attempts using the same customer ID as source?

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dtg avatar image
dtg answered

I eventually found my answer buried on this page.

When processing the transaction (after the 10 minute window) it needs these lines:

  "sequence": "SUBSEQUENT",
  "is_scheduled": false,
  "initiator": "CARDHOLDER"}

The token still needs to be attached to a customer, but without the additional lines while you are processing the transaction, is just comes back as declined.

10 |2000

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