
veralece avatar image
veralece asked jess commented

Sandbox Environment Issue with Getting Customer Information

Whenever I make a request to this route I get a 400 bad request error. Is anyone else experiencing this issue? I have tried different keys and I still run into the same issue. I need to know if there is an issue with my code or if it's an issue with the endpoint.[MID]/customers

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pattifleming avatar image pattifleming commented ·

Check the URL again

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tedharold avatar image tedharold commented ·

You can try change VPN. And you can play wordle. It's so funny.

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jess avatar image jess tedharold commented ·

ncountering issues with obtaining customer information in a sandbox environment can be challenging, especially when it disrupts your testing processes. It’s crucial to ensure that your sandbox setup accurately mirrors your production environment to avoid these issues.

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jackboyd avatar image
jackboyd answered veralece commented


However, I can offer you some general troubleshooting steps to help identify the source of the issue:

Double-check the URL: Make sure you have replaced [MID] with the actual merchant ID in the URL. Ensure that the URL is correctly formatted and that you're using the appropriate HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT) for your request.

Verify the request payload: Ensure that you're providing all the required parameters and data in the request body, if applicable. Check the API documentation to confirm the expected format and structure of the request payload. myACPNY Login

Review your authentication: Check if you're providing the correct authentication credentials, such as an API key, OAuth token, or any other required authentication method. Confirm that you're including the necessary headers or parameters for authentication.

Test with different data: If possible, try using different customer data in your request to see if the issue persists. This can help determine whether the problem lies with the specific data you're using or if it's a broader issue.

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veralece avatar image veralece commented ·
Hi - I should mention that my code worked in the past. I was working on a feature with the eCommerce API, and I knew that the Customers endpoint was working because it was a part of the previous feature I had worked on. It was only after completing the eCommerce feature that I found I was having issues with the endpoint.

As of now, it looks like the customers endpoint is back up since I'm able to retrieve data from it (nothing was changed on my end).

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luciamartn avatar image
luciamartn answered

There are a few things to consider when facing this issue:

Sandbox environment: It is possible that the sandbox environment that you are using to test your code is not functioning properly. You can try contacting the API provider to see if they are aware of any issues or if they can provide you with an alternate sandbox environment to test your code.

Customer information: It is possible that there is an issue with the customer information you are trying to retrieve. Double-check that you are providing the correct parameters and that the customer information is valid and available.

Code: It is possible that there is an issue with your code. Check your code to ensure that it is making the correct requests and that all required parameters are being included in the request. You may also want to try running your code with a different API endpoint or with a different API key to see if the issue persists.

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