
simon avatar image
simon asked Greg answered

Can we test Bank / Voice referrals in the sandbox.

Can we test Bank / Voice referrals in the sandbox mode using USB Pay display on the Clover Mini?

I have found the following test cards

But there is no test card number for Bank / Voice referrals, when the cashier has to call the bank to auth a payment and I can not find any refarance to Bank / Voice referals in the doumentations.

SandboxUSB Pay Display
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1 Answer

Greg avatar image
Greg answered
Hi @Simon,

We do not yet support voice auths through the SDK (admittedly it is a very special use case). You can check all the methods through the repo, or There is a Voice Auth app that comes on the device that you will have to use to make payments through Voice, outside of the Pay Display app. Have you tried using the test cards in the link you mentioned? Here is the link for Voice Auth

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