
Nimila Hiranya avatar image
Nimila Hiranya asked

Clover EComm Payments 409 Conflict order_over_paid Error

One of our merchants is experiencing order_over_paid error on most of their orders. I tried to simulate the orders on the Sandbox and the orders get placed without an issue and the payment goes through.

Failed Order IDs On Live: 6PG5C3PQB258A, NPQZR7QXKZ0WY, PS4Q8GENBGP0T

Successful Order IDs On Sandbox: QXMQ4G12584A6, THSX9K8AFR5HR

We simulated the same Subtotal, Tax Amount and Tip amounts in the orders. Sandbox orders get paid without an issue.

We have several other merchants who are using the same setup and are processing fine. What could be the issue for this?

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