
massmobile avatar image
massmobile asked Nazanin answered

Adding Merchants to an App

We have created a private app - where our mobile app food ordering system will be connected via the API to the Clover POS - we will be syncing inventory and sales information between our systems. We have completed the API work with a Test Merchant account and everything is working as it should.
We are having a problem adding merchants now - we have clients that we have built apps for that want to sync their mobile app with their Clover system - we are not able to add merchants.

1. When we select 'Manage Business' to create new account from my developer account it doesn’t allow to create any new business account from my Production environment.

2. We have doubts about whether Merchants are created from 'Location' section OR through 'Create business' tab?

If there is anyone who has expertise in this i would be willing to pay for assistance in getting us to the finish line?

e-commerce apiCustomersAPI Token
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1 Answer

Nazanin avatar image
Nazanin answered

You can create a new test merchant from your developer dashboard by navigating to "Create test location" and after your new merchant created, it will be added under the Businesses section.


Note : If your private app is approved you can distribute your app by sharing a direct link to the app with the merchant. More information

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