I am referring to https://docs.clover.com/reference/inventorycreateitem
I sent a POST request with the following body to the https://sandbox.dev.clover.com/v3/merchants/{mId}/items endpoint
{ "taxRates": [ { "id": "G4DB1EF691SG8", } ], "code": "72527273070", "hidden": "false", "available": "true", "autoManage": "false", "price": 2500, "sku": "TSH-LOG", "defaultTaxRates": "false", "cost": 1000, "unitName": "null", "priceType": "FIXED", "alternateName": "Logo Tee", "isRevenue": true, "name": "Logo T-Shirt", "colorCode": "#ffffffff", "itemGroup": { "id": "JBBHPG39V4TRT" } }
However if I "GET" the new item and expand it with the "taxRates" query param, it returns an empty taxRate.
{ "id": "65YBXP3KHY09A", "hidden": false, "available": true, "autoManage": false, "name": "Logo T-Shirt", "alternateName": "Logo Tee", "code": "72527273070", "sku": "TSH-LOG", "price": 2500, "priceType": "FIXED", "defaultTaxRates": false, "unitName": "null", "cost": 1000, "isRevenue": true, "stockCount": 0, "taxRates": { "elements": [] }, "modifiedTime": 1659734806000, "colorCode": "#ffffffff" }
However this is not the case when I expand "itemGroup"
{ "id": "65YBXP3KHY09A", "hidden": false, "available": true, "autoManage": false, "name": "Logo T-Shirt", "alternateName": "Logo Tee", "code": "72527273070", "sku": "TSH-LOG", "price": 2500, "priceType": "FIXED", "defaultTaxRates": false, "unitName": "null", "cost": 1000, "isRevenue": true, "stockCount": 0, "itemStock": { "item": { "id": "65YBXP3KHY09A" }, "stockCount": 1000, "quantity": 1000, "modifiedTime": 1659048479000 }, "modifiedTime": 1659734806000, "colorCode": "#ffffffff" }
Are some body params just not working?