
joe-pop avatar image
joe-pop asked Jeffrey Blattman commented

Online orders decline but still print


We have a client who has several online orders that are declining payment, yet the orders are printing to the kitchen. Those orders have an "open" status in the POS.

What we know:

  • We confirmed that we never fire the print event API on these orders and never had a status of submitted on the custom order. We only fire the print event API when an order is successful.
  • On our Clover mini test device we are unable to simulate this issue. When we have a declined card in our sandbox, the order shows up in the Clover web dashboard under Orders, but does not show up in the Orders app in the Clover mini. Is that because our test device is a Clover mini?

My hunch is that the orders somehow showed up in the Orders app (different POS hardware? setting/filter?) on her POS and printed because of a setting, such as "Fire when hitting save" maybe? I also had a hunch that this was user error, but we show the orders as declined in our system and the client sent over pictures of the kitchen tickets that printed to the kitchen. Any ideas on what we can check?

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·
If you can provide specific steps to reproduce, that'd don't include your software that'd be helpful. As you can imagine it's nearly impossible to debug a system where we don't know what software is running on it. In lieu of that, you could create an MCVE that reproduces the problem.
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1 Answer

joe-pop avatar image
joe-pop answered gonogo-dev commented

Any update here? Client is reporting more orders like this are occurring.

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gonogo-dev avatar image gonogo-dev commented ·
Hello! We've also heard from customers about the same exact thing happening. Just wondered if you found any answers on this?
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joe-pop avatar image joe-pop gonogo-dev commented ·
No, I provided an order ID to a Clover person but did not receive a response. We still have customers reporting this issue.
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gonogo-dev avatar image gonogo-dev joe-pop commented ·
Thanks for responding. We were not able to pinpoint exactly what is causing our issue but we did find that one of our merchants had an app called Otter Printer app and on the Otter website states that it is the one place for order management and one of the features is auto-printing. We're guessing this or some other third party app is causing this issue, not ours. Hope this helps!
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