
asuryono avatar image
asuryono asked David Marginian commented

webhooks working?

Hi Experts,

How do I know the clover webhooks working? Is there any logs that I can check?

The setting already successful, tried to call the webhooks recipients from postman also succeed. But tried to add new customer, item, etc from clover web doesn't trigger any webhook?

Help please


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asuryono avatar image asuryono commented ·

even tried to create customer via clover API using:

still the customer is created in clover but not triggering any webhooks to my apps.. that's why i'm wondering if the webhooks runs? any logs for checking?


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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

A few common reasons why you may not receive webhooks include:

1) Your app hasn't been installed on the test merchant you are creating the customer for. See

2) Your app doesn't have the correct permissions (in this case read customer) for the webhook you are trying to receive. Your application must have the correct permissions at the time of install, if it doesn't you will need to uninstall and then reinstall your application, see

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asuryono avatar image
asuryono answered David Marginian commented

Hi David,

thanks for your answer, point 1 is the one I'm looking for.

For clover team: this step should be added as links to your webhook guidelines, so that people would not miss this.

I kind of missed it when you put it just like this:

  • Ensure that your app is connected to your test merchant.
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Thanks, I have created an issue for our documentation team.
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