
riwalker avatar image
riwalker asked metsdev answered

opencart in 2022

Hi, i see the bluepay module in opencart, can we use that as i don't see a clover payment module for opencart (3.x)

This is URGENT, we cannot use clover without it and since bluepay has now closed, and the website is directed to clover, we need clover themselves to get back ASAP....

till this is sorted, we will have to use your competition

e-commerce api
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Unfortunately, this seems to be an OpenCart issue. OpenCart would need to integrate with us if OpenCart sites want to take payment via Clover.

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riwalker avatar image
riwalker answered David Marginian edited

its not an opencart issue ! opencart like any other ecommerce package relies on the payment gateway to provide its own 'module' to the community. hence here, would need clover to code and release a module. its straight forward, and many examples to code from - most using very similar API.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

We have an API. AFAIK we have not built a plugin for Opencart that utilizes our API. I am asking the ecomm team to see if anything like this is on our roadmap and I will let you know what they say. Information on our ECommerce API can be found here -

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drivings avatar image
drivings answered David Marginian commented

I'm a new customer (already paid for a month with no ability to take payments) and I use an opencart site too.

It's pretty useless service to when there is no opencart module/plugin/extension for us to use. I'm thinking of cancelling so please can you let me know ASAP exactly what the e-comms team say about when they will make a plugin for open cart available

Graeme McCartney (


Hi David

I also have an opencart store and have recently signed up with CLOVER. There is no payment module/plugin/extension available on the opencart store that will work for UK websites. I'm currently being charged (just paid for my first month) for absolutely no service from Clover and no ability to take payments via Clover from my customers. Seems pretty pointless for small businesses to sign up to clover e-commerce solutions when there is no way to connect my opencart store with your payment gateway.

As a result, I'd be VERY INTERESTED in the ecomm team's answer about providing an opencart plugin that uses your API. Otherwise, I might as well as for a REFUND as I can do nothing without a plugin module.

Feel free to contact me on

Graeme McCartney

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
Hi Graeme,

Unfortunately, building a plugin for OpenCart is not on our current roadmap.

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riwalker avatar image
riwalker answered wsadiq commented

clover there are 100k websites with opencart, you are holding up our adoption of clover.

this is direct revenue payout for clover, simple ROI

please get it done ASAP.


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wsadiq avatar image wsadiq commented ·
@riwalker can you please send me an email at
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metsdev avatar image
metsdev answered metsdev edited

Wait is finally over. We have created extension for opencart 3.x, and for opencart version 4.x its coming shortly. You can download the extension from opencart marketplace at

WebMyra: Clover Payment Gateway

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