
dave-1 avatar image
dave-1 asked David Marginian commented

Can you create a charge for a merchant?

I have a semi-integration web-application with multiple merchants.

I want to charge 1% into my account for each merchant transaction. Is there a way to do this?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Metered billing is the only way to do that - The description in the docs is a bit vague, the idea is you define what the events are (per transaction, whatever) and what the cost is and then you log them (as they occurr or in bulk at times of your choosing) and then we pay you for them.

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dave-1 avatar image
dave-1 answered David Marginian commented

Can I make this metered billing be dynamic though? That is to say can I switch the amount to charge based on the total price of the transaction ?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

No, unfortunately that is not currently possible. Here is the API -

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dave-1 avatar image
dave-1 answered David Marginian commented

Ok thanks. But I could probably create metered events for different price ranges and then select the metered event dynamically correct ?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Yeah, technically you could do something like that but I am not sure what the official stance is on it. You couldn't go too crazy with it because it would get confusing for the merchant. You may want to email developer relations and ask them what the policy is. Here is some information on what adding metered pricing looks like

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