Hey I am trying to creating an test order via postman at that time, I am getting this message from clover
"message": "Order ID in body does not match URI"
Hey I am trying to creating an test order via postman at that time, I am getting this message from clover
"message": "Order ID in body does not match URI"
Are you sure the order ID in the body matches the URI? Add the URI and body you are posting.
Hello Both,
It's a application/json I'm passing this with
https://api.clover.com/v3/merchants/merchant_id/orders?access_token=token and body is something like below:
"note": "Hello World",
"orderType": {
"taxable": false,
"fee": "2",
"avgOrderTime": "2",
"label": "Hello Label",
"isHidden": false,
"isDefault": false,
"minOrderAmount": "1",
"isDeleted": false,
"id": "96G4DKVXP5CJ4",
"hoursAvailable": "ALL",
"maxOrderAmount": "10"
MeLan please see this page https://docs.clover.com/build/working... scroll down to creating an order.
You should be able to create an order with an empty payload.
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