
zendeyo avatar image
zendeyo asked servestream answered

App Approval

Is it easier to get a web app approved as opposed to an app that runs on Clover devices?

app approvals
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

I think the answer is -- it depends. For specific questions about app approval you should ask developer relations -

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servestream avatar image
servestream answered servestream edited

We currently have custom orders app that integrates with Clover system, we are able to post orders into Clover POS through API in sanbox environment, we have approved developer account but still posting to production store account fails. We posted an App for marketplace thats waiting for approval. I have two questions:

1. Wondering our production store post requires app approval? I was only under the impression its required to be visible in the marketplace.

2. If the approval is required to access production API then checking how long it typically takes?

We have few customers waitin on this.

If any of the Clover reps can help here is the developer id: 8J5W2102YW24M




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