
lisatak avatar image
lisatak asked lisatak answered

Custom tender button not showing

I've seen many other questions with similar problems, but haven't found any answers for how to fix this. I've created a custom tender using tenderconnector and checkAndCreateTender(). This works to create the tender and I can see it as an accepted tender on my merchant dashboard. However, the button for the tender is not appearing on the payment screen on my emulator. I've tried running the extensibleTenderExample, but I'm getting this error:

A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
> java.lang.NullPointerException (no error message)

Any help for how to get the example running or how to get the button to appear would be appreciated!

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1 Answer

lisatak avatar image
lisatak answered

Figured it out. Needed to pair the action intent (ACTION_MERCHANT_TENDER) with an activity, not a receiver.

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