
realariful avatar image
realariful asked David Marginian Deactivated commented

How to get deeper understanding of Clover Pay Cloud?

Hello, Clover.

I have more questions arising on my mind and need your help. Please help me understand the following questions:

1. Does the Payment and Refund Response from Clover Device different for different devices? We are using Clover Flex. What happens if the Client uses a different device for Production?

2. I could not find specific document for the Payment, Void and Refund Response from Clover Device. Is it possible to provide me a in depth document for Clover Pay Cloud?

3. The Clover Flex Device also returns a Payment Token. Can this Token be used to make a payment using Clover Ecommerce API?

Best Regards,
Ariful Haque

Clover FlexCloud Pay DisplayRemote Pay Cloud
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

1) The response will be the same, of course any device specific information will be specific to the device.

2) Please see the API documents -

3) No

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realariful avatar image realariful commented ·

Hello David,

I am able to connect Clover Flex Device locally but when I set configuration on Server, I am getting the following error. Can you give me any light on this?

message: "Error connecting to your Clover device.
Details: status returned was not 200",
code: "NotConnected",
cause: null,

Best Regards,

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ realariful commented ·

I don't really know what you are trying to do. You have a server (nodejs) app and you are trying to use Remote Pay Cloud? I really don't recommend that approach (as it is more complex, prone to error), but if you decide to go that route please see this example (please read the readme) -

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realariful avatar image realariful David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Hello, David.

If you could go through this Video, you may understand the issue I am facing.
The Integrations works fine locally but on server with SSH the Clover Device cannot be connected. I need to work on Server.

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