I would like to confirm a comment from @David Marginian about "Need a receipt screen" issue in my previous question.
His comment (https://community.clover.com/questions/31901/how-to-void-a-payment.html)
No, there is currently no way to print a void receipt via payment connector.
I'm using an object of PaymentConnector to request a refund and a void as follows:
RefundPaymentRequest refund = new RefundPaymentRequest(); refund.setPaymentId(aTransaction.getPaymentId()); refund.setOrderId(aTransaction.getOrderId()); refund.setFullRefund(true); paymentConnector.refundPayment(refund);
VoidPaymentRequest vpr = new VoidPaymentRequest(); vpr.setPaymentId(aTransaction.getPaymentId()); vpr.setOrderId(aTransaction.getOrderId()); vpr.setVoidReason("USER_CANCEL"); vpr.setDisablePrinting(false); paymentConnector.voidPayment(vpr);
I have seen success messages in my log after refunding or voiding a payment transaction, but never have I been able to see "Need a receipt" screen.
My questions:
1. Is it impossible to print a receipt after refunding or voiding a payment transaction, as mentioned by @David Marginian?
2. Which document then should I follow to test my app? I have tested with this.