
yasu avatar image
yasu asked yasu edited

How to void a payment


I have been implementing a function to void a payment on a Clover semi-integrated app with Android Studio (Java), but without success so far.

I'm trying to do so with this "MakeRefundActivity":

but I'm wondering if this is outdated because I don't see a constructor which have two parameters in the class SaleRequest.

pendingSale = new SaleRequest(1000, MainActivity.getNextId());

I assume you have to fetch a payment to void in onCreate first, then in onSaleResponse you can collect paymentId and orderId to void it.

So, how am I supposed to retrieve a payment in order to void it? If there is another resource to follow, it would be appreciated.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered yasu edited

Your point of sale will need to save off the payment and order ID when you get a sale response.

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yasu avatar image yasu commented ·

Hello David,

Thank you for your reply. I got a "success" in my log by following your advice, but now I realise the "Need a receipt?" screen does not show up after the void transaction.

My log

W/PAY-----: onVoidPaymentResponse: VoidPaymentResponse{json='{"success":true,"result":"SUCCESS","reason":null,"message":"Void was USER_CANCEL","paymentId":"8BA5XZZXQ54T6"}', bundle=null, changeLog=Bundle[{success=null, reason=null, result=null, paymentId=null, message=null}]}

VoidPaymentRequest vpr = new VoidPaymentRequest();

                   Log.d(TAG, "VoidPaymentRequest: " + vpr.toString());
                   isCheckVoided = true;

Do you think I'm missing something to see the "Need a receipt?" screen?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ yasu commented ·
No, there is currently no way to print a void receipt via payment connector.
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yasu avatar image yasu David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you for your reply. It means this (test #7) is outdated? If so, would you be able to tell another test to comply with Clover's norm?

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