
lau avatar image
lau asked

Is there a way to add "Order Discounts" under the payment screen?

When we refund a payment, we are locked out of the order from modifying and being able to Comp the items to show accurate reporting of any items that are no longer in our inventory. For example, if an incorrect card was run to close out a duplicate tab started for one customer and we refunded the card, we are locked out of doing anything to the order aside from adding payment. For inventory purposes, this item should still be depleted but properly closed out for accounting (whether it was a walkout, server mistake,etc.) It's as if once the card for that tab is refunded, those items just sit in limbo and aren't properly accounted for. Most POS systems will have the Discount/other payment functionality under the payments to avoid this issue (rather than just under the order editing tab) since it is considered a type of payment. From my understanding Voiding will allow order to open and the mistaken payment will just disappear, which is not a viable option if there is an issue with the guest but we have no papertrail. Is there any way that the Discounts could be added under the Payment tab to keep everything properly tracked?

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